Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Safer Grilling Methods

Healthy Food Bytes: Safer Grilling Methods

Ah, Spring is in the air. Time to get out the grill and enjoy one of the most loved American traditions - Grilling.

Did you know that cooking meat at high temperatures creates heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHCs)? This is not only the case for grilling, but for broiling and frying as well. These compounds have been linked to some cancers.

Some studies suggest that these compounds may damage DNA and encourages the development of tumors. At high temperatures, acids and creatin react to form HCAs. PHAs form when smoke settles on food from fat dripping into the fire, these have been associated with hormonal cancer.

What can you do to reduce your risk?

Choose a better cooking method for most meals – baking, stewing, steaming, low, slow cooking methods etc.

When you do grill:
Add seafood to the mix. Beef, pork and poultry tend to form more HCAs than fish because of their higher amino acid content and longer grilling times.

For meat and poultry – make smaller portion sizes to lessen cooking time. Trim as much fat as possible to reduce drips.

Marinade meats – studies from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistrty showed that marinating red meat for two hours significantly reduced HCAs. It is believed that the antioxidants in these marinades (wine, vinegar, citrus) block HCAs from forming. Also, rosemary, mint, basil, sage and oregano are high in antioxidants – and may cut HCA levels. One study showed that rosemary cut HCA levels by over 90 percent.

Pair grilled meats with lots of vegetables, particularly cruciferous. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage for example, contain sulforphane, a compound that may help the body clear DNA damaging compounds more quickly.

Use gas grill or if using coals – make sure they are natural (Whole Foods has a better choice for you). And for goodness sake, don’t use lighter fluid! If you think that isn’t getting on your food, and into your body, and causing havoc….think again.

Here's a great grilled fish Mexican style recipe...just in time for Cinco De Mayo

Note: Use Wild Atlantic Halibut - better for grilling - holds shape better. I would not use Tilapia - as it is usually farm raised and can be loaded with antibiotics and growth hormone and artificial diet. Also, add oregano for extra protection.

Thanks for reading Healthy Food Bytes: Safer Grilling Methods

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