Aspartame (NutraSWeet, Equal, Spoonfull, Equal-Measure) can be found in over 5,000 products including: soft drinks, cereals, OTC medicines, gum, instant breakfast, vitamins, yogurt...the list goes on. The approval of Aspartame by the FDA is based on unscientific studies and suspicious approval methods. You decide if you want poison in your food, drinks and snacks.
Studies have shown that Aspartame may not be effective in controlling your weight. After all, isn't that why we buy "sugar free" everything. In one of Dr. Mercola's news letters, he states that researchers believe that any kind of sweet taste signals body cells to store carbohydrates and fats, which in turn causes the body to crave more food. The American Cancer Society (1986) said that people who use artificial sweeteners gain more weight than those who avoid them. So,drinking "diet soda" to help you keep off the weight may not be the best solution. Proper diet and exercise is the sure fire way to achieve your ultimate whight goals.
The ADA recommends this poison to persons with diabetes, even though studies show that the use of aspartame leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes, causes poorer diabetic control in diabetics on insulin or oral drugs, leads to the aggravation of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, and neuropathy. Ugh! There is much controversey in this area, so why take the risk. Drink water for goodness sake.
Dr. Russell Blayloc, neurosurgeon, states in his book "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills", that Aspartame is carcinogenic and affects brain function negatively (kinda like smoking pot and ingesting drugs) and was approved by the FDA regarding objections from neurosurgeon panel. Constant attack on brain cells can lead to neurological disorders from memory loss to hormonal problems, to dementia, to MS.
There are many other negative implications regarding the use of Aspartame. I can go on and on...I've done the research...I've read the reputable books, by reputable scientists and you don't have to. Believe me, Aspartame is not a good solution to weight loss, and the health implications of consuming it are compounding. Read your labels. Be aware of what you are putting in you body. Don't think that because it is on the shelf, that it is safe.
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