Thursday, January 29, 2009

Organic Foods - What To Buy

Organic: What to buy

You may think that a little chemical residue on your food is safe. If the government says it’s ok than it should be safe, right? There are numerous studies that say "not so". There is huge controversy in this area. Even if you don't read the studies, think for minute, these chemicals are made to kill living bugs. It neurologically zaps the life out of them. So, ingesting these chemicals is ok for human consumption? I would say not.

Over time, these chemicals have the potential to damage your brain and increase your risk of cancer. Some chemicals that are used in agriculture are not fully studied. And the government still approves them. There is only so much insult your body will take before it says “that’s enough” and begin to breakdown.

Dr. Blaylock, a well known neurosurgeon and educator shows in his book, “Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life”, that these constant insults on our bodies have been linked to inflammation, free radical damage and the breakdown of cell function. He also shows how nutrition (pesticide free, unrefined, whole foods) can program our genes. So, nutrition plays a big roll in our chances of contracting disease - more so than the genes that were passed down to you.

We get bombarded with toxins every day. You have the choice to reduce your exposure to some of those toxins. The Environmental Working Group has come up with a list of foods that are highly contaminated with pesticides and foods that are not. Check out the link on the top right. This will help you make informed choices for you and your loved ones.

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